

advanced dynamic window manager

View the Project on GitHub bbidulock/adwm


Package adwm-0.7.17 was released under GPLv3 license 2024-03-27.

This was originally a fork of Echinus which in turn was a fork of dwm(1), and borrows concepts from velox(1), awesome(1), spectrwm(1) and wmii(1). What it includes is a full rewrite with significant updates and additions resulting in full EWMH (NetwM), WMH (WinWM), MWMH (CDE/Motif), ICCCM 2.0 compliance and support.

The source for adwm is hosted on GitHub.


This is the adwm-0.7.17 package, released 2024-03-27. This release, and the latest version, can be obtained from GitHub, using a command such as:

$> git clone

Please see the RELEASE and NEWS files for release notes and history of user visible changes for the current version, and the ChangeLog file for a more detailed history of implementation changes. The TODO file lists features not yet implemented and other outstanding items.

The file COMPLIANCE lists the current state of EWMH/ICCCM compliance.

Please see the INSTALL file for installation instructions.

When working from git(1), please use this file. An abbreviated installation procedure that works for most applications appears below.

echinus(1) and dwm(1) were published under the MIT/X Consortium License that can be found in the file LICENSE. As over 90% of the source file lines have been supplied or replaced and the remaining 10% is not subject to copyright, this release is published under GPLv3. Please see the license in the file COPYING.

Quick Start

The quickest and easiest way to get adwm up and running is to run the following commands:

$> git clone
$> cd adwm
$> ./
$> ./configure
$> make
$> make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

This will configure, compile and install adwm the quickest. For those who like to spend the extra 15 seconds reading ./configure --help, some compile time options can be turned on and off before the build.

For general information on GNU’s ./configure, see the file INSTALL.


Install the following X Libraries to build and load adwm:

To support default key and mouse bindings, build and install the following packages:

To support default key bindings, the following applications must be installed:

For a more full-featured desktop environment, build and install the following packages:

Of course for a minimal desktop, lemon-bar and dmenu will suffice (xde-menu supports a version of dmenu that supports desktop files).


Read the manual page after installation:

$> man adwm


Following are some of the features provided by adwm(1) not provided by similar window managers:


Views, Workspaces and Desktops:

Floating/stacking mode:

Tiling modes:


Report issues on GitHub here.


Following are some sample screenshots:

Figure 1: Tiled layout (master right) tiled.jpg

Figure 2: Tiled layout (bar exposed) tiled_bar.jpg

Figure 3: Tiled layout (master left) tiled_master_left.jpg

Figure 4: Tiled layout (windows decorated) tiled_decorated.jpg

Figure 5: Floating layout floating.jpg

Figure 6: Floating layout (root menu) floating_menus.jpg

Figure 7: Floating layout (window menu) floating_winmenu.jpg

Figure 8: Airforce XDE Theme airforce_theme.jpg

Figure 9: Airforce XDE Theme (Xeyes properly rendered) airforce_theme_xeyes.jpg