X Desktop Environment (XDE) "C"-Language Tools
Provides an XDG compliant application launcher command dialog for running freedesktop.org applications as though from the command line using a graphical utility.
Provides a clip for window managers that do not support one and provides a more consistent and rich experience for those that do.
Provides keyboard-based window cycling for window managers that do not provide cycling themselves or for those that provide an inferior one. The window cycling list is a list of windows on the current monitor (or multiple monitors) and current workspace (or multiple workspaces) and is accessed with a hot key.
Provides a dock (of WindowMaker dock apps) for window managers that do not support one and provides a more consistent and rich experience for those that do.
Provides generic key binding management for window managers that do not provide key bindings themselves or for those that provide a inferior or incomplete set of bindings. Key bindings are hot keys bound to the root window that invoke actions on windows, workspaces or the window manager.
Provides desktop cycling feedback for window managers that do not provide desktop cycling themselves or for those that provide an inferior feedback. The desktop cycling feedback is a pager where each cell corresponds to a workspace on the current monitor (or multiple monitors). The feedback pop-up can also have a desktop selected using the mouse.
Provides a places menu for window managers that do not provide one themselves or as a better places menu for those that provide an inferior one. The places menu is a menu of standard desktop locations as well as user bookmarked places. This is not a feedback mechanism, but is a pop-up menu that can be used to display special and bookmarked folders.
Provides an XDG preferred applications launcher and preferences dialog for setting or running preferred applications.
Provides a recent files menu for window managers that do not provide one themselves or as a better recent files menu for those that provide an inferior one. The recent files menu is a menus of recent (or favourite) files or applications. This is not a feedback mechanism, but is a pop-up menu that can be used to access files or applications similar to a file manager or application launcher.
Provides a run command dialog for running applications from the command line using a graphical utility.
Provides window cycling feedback for window managers that do not provide window cycling themselves or for those that provide an inferior feedback. The window cycling feedback is a selector where each icon corresponds to a window on the current workspace. The feedback pop-up can also have a window selected using the mouse.
Provides a per-workspace background changer for window managers that do not provide any per-workspace backgrounds themselves or for those that provide an inferior or incomplete set of background facilities. Backgrounds are the image that is display on the root window.
Provides a window list for window managers that do not provide one themselves or as a better window list for those that provide an inferior one. The window list is a list of windows on workspaces with a sub-menu of actions that can be performed against each window or workspace and is normally access with a hot key, or by clicking on the root window, or by pressing one or more modifier keys and clicking on a window.
Provides a window menu for window managers that do not provide one themselves or as a better window menu for those that provide an inferior one. The window menu is a menu of actions that can be performed against a window and is normally accessed with a hot-key, or by clicking on the decorative border of a window, or by pressing one or more modifier keys and clicking on the window.
Provides a workspace menu for window managers that do not provide one
themselves or as a better workspace menu for those that provide an
inferior one. The workspace menu is a menu of workspaces (now called
desktops) and windows. This is not a feedback mechanism (such as
or xde-winlist(1)
) but is a pop-up menu that can be
used to control windows similar to a task bar.